“North Burnima” Bombala NSW
“North Burnima”
Gillespie family
Prime lamb
Located in the Monaro region of south-eastern New South Wales
My wife and I bought the neighbouring property to our family block in 2017. It was run down, weed infested and the fences and infrastructure were ineffective and dangerous. Perhaps a bad idea in retrospect to introduce and build a prime lamb enterprise around with two small kids and both working full time off farm! Three years on, we’re still working on capital upgrades and learning to row our own boat. In our first year we lost 30 ewes to Barbers Pole before we recognised the issue. The last two years were managing other challenges like drought. In fact since we bought our patch, we’ve had 500, 400 then 300mm in an average 620mm rainfall.
What is your experience with using Tridectin?
Whilst a small producer now, we aim to improve our system each year so that in years to come as we expand our operation, the process employed including drench program ensures the best success for us. We’ve now just finished lambing and we’ll be using Tridectin as our summer drench for all stock. With elevated livestock prices, producers like us can’t afford to lose stock to preventable animal health issues.We subscribe to the notion of working smarter not harder. Being efficient and reducing labour inputs in our livestock system is essential for financial success. Having good infrastructure to reduce stress on the animals and operators is half the efficiency battle. The other half is delivering a worthy product to our sheep to prevent unnecessary returns to the yards for subsequent treatment. Given the testimonials and broad range of controls Tridectin offers, we’ll be putting it to the test this year.