“Stoney Park East” Burrumbuttock NSW
Share farm operation between the Lindner’s and owners Richard and Janny Molesworth.
Burrumbuttock is a town in the central southern part of the Riverina region of New South Wales
We run a self replacing merino flock of 1300, as part of a breeding program, probably two-thirds of the ewes get joined to merino rams, one-third to dorsets, so that we have a terminal operation as well.
We use Tridectin across all our stock including lambs, hoggets, rams and whethers. I am very happy with Tridectin, I am very cautious with all drenches and do my best to rotate all groups, however as Tridectin is a triple, it gives me confidence that I won’t have issues with resistance, and using it helps reduce the likelihood of this occurring in my flock.
We rely on Tridectin as it’s a broad spectrum drench, especially with wetter summer rains and Barber’s Pole can alse be a potential issue. We have been able to cut back our drenching program to two drenches per year, that saves time that we can utilise to do other things and especially saves stress on the sheep.
The last 2 seasons I have used Tridectin as my summer cleanout drench as well as my pre-lambing drench with fantastic results. The last 2 seasons I have weaned the best ever merino lambs on the property, so I am very happy with these results, especially given the past 2 tough seasons. I feel I have got exceptional value for money and my lambs are proof.
With Tridectin having only a 17 day ESI, it’s such an advantage for us, as far as keeping records, especially if we’re drenching lambs prior to sale or any sheep prior to sale. It just means we’re not waiting 36 days, 42 days, it’s such a quick turn over which is fantastic for a triple.
As an aussie family, it is good just to be able to know that we’re supporting an Australian manufactured drench, something that’s been manufactured here. It’s ready and rearing to go for the conditions that we face here in Australia. Supporting Australian made is very important to the local farmer.
We have seen a great response and growth on our lambs after treatment. Saw no worms after drenching in summer even under heavy pressure, we give it a 9/10 for ease of use and rotation.
I wouldn’t hesitate for recommending the use of Tridectin.